Regional Procurement

Regional Tendering

Cost Effective Regional Tendering Solutions

Regional Procurement’s overarching goal is to provide cost effective tendering and other procurement solutions for all client councils.

Our team facilitates centralised tenders for commonly used products and services throughout regions of NSW. Participating councils are offered the same or better outcome as they can achieve individually- but without the investment of time or valuable resources.

Each centralised tender process is facilitated in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 and principles of probity.

Each participating council is provided opportunity to reduce the cost and time spent on tendering and contract administration by engaging Regional Procurement to:

  • Facilitate and collate all preliminary Tender information
  • Formulate tender documents and specifications in consultation with relevant council officers
  • Receive and check all tenderer documents
  • Establish a tender evaluation panel consisting of relevant council officers
  • Facilitate and record the evaluation process
  • Present a detailed and compliant tender evaluation report to each participating council
  • Maintain records of supplier insurances throughout the life of the contract
  • Maintain contract records for council officers in a secure online portal

For more details on the centralised tenders and contracts in your Region, please contact your nominated Account Manager or send an email.

(02) 4978 4046