Regional Procurement

Electricity: Tenders and Reverse Auctions Solutions

Contestable Sites and Street Lighting
(> 100mwh)

In consultation with our channel partner, Energy Action we can offer you access to an innovative process known as a ‘Reverse Auction’.  Energy Action has pioneered this process and it’s a proven method of ensuring transparent and open competition between bona-fide energy retailers.  This process is exempt from the Local Government (General) Regulation – Part 7 Tendering requirements as it is deemed to be a ‘Public Auction’ as defined under Section 55(3) of the Local Government Act.

The Reverse Auction process allows for real-time competition between energy retailers which bid for the right to supply the client’s contestable electricity requirements over a defined contract term.

We are confident that this process will deliver optimum results for our clients.

Non-contestable sites (< 100mwh) Small Sites referred to as SME

For non-contestable small sites, we conduct a tender process in accordance with the Local Government (General) Regulation – Part 7 Tendering requirements. 

SME sites are not market tested in the same way as contestable sites as we don’t use the Reverse Auction process for this sized market. 

If you require further information on either of the above processes please contact us on 4978 4046.

For more details on the centralised tenders and contracts in your Region, please contact your nominated Account Manager or send an email.

(02) 4978 4046